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The 411 on herbal remedies for bad breath

4 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Bad Breath

Having bad breath isn’t just embarrassing; it can affect your life in severe ways if left untreated. With the launch of our latest product in the Nature Queen herbal beauty line, the Herbal Throat Guardian, we thought it a great time to discuss bad breath (or halitosis), the effect it can have on your life, and ways to treat it.  And, of course, just how the Herbal Throat Guardian can cure halitosis, soothe a sore throat, and keep you protected from pathogens.

What is halitosis or bad breath?

Bad breath is defined simply as “a persistent, unpleasant odor in exhaled breath”. In other words, it’s exactly what it sounds like – your breath smells bad.

Halitosis can be caused by various reasons. If you aren’t maintaining proper dental hygiene, for instance. Some other causes include: dehydration, eating smelly food (like garlic), tooth decay, gum disease, and poorly fitting dental appliances.

The most common cause, as you may have guessed, is the first one: poor dental hygiene. If you don’t brush and floss your teeth regularly, disease and odor-causing bacteria can start to accumulate in your mouth, causing plaque buildup. Plaque is a hard substance that covers your teeth and leads to halitosis and various other dental issues.

Problems caused by halitosis

Having bad breath may not seem like the end of the world, but it affects your life in many little ways, all of which are decidedly negative. Here are some of the problems caused by bad breath:

  1. Dental issues

One of the most serious, immediate issues bad breath can cause is tooth and gum problems. Since halitosis is usually caused due to poor dental hygiene, tooth decay, gum problems or similar reasons, if the problem goes unchecked for long it will worsen, degrading the quality of your teeth. Getting dental procedures is expensive, painful, and time-consuming, and these problems can sometimes worsen quickly.

  1. Social alienation

If your breath stinks, you can bet the people around you will notice and cringe. While most friends and relatives may try to be tactful about it, it’s still pretty noticeable.  Knowing you have halitosis can cause daily embarrassment and alienation from society. Some people begin to avoid company, which leads us to the third problem bad breath can cause.

  1. Mental disorders

As a result of the embarrassment caused by halitosis and the social alienation sufferers feel, people can actually develop mental disorders such as depression and anxiety. Researchers have also found a strong link between people with bad breath and psychological traits such as paranoid ideation and hostility.

So, as you can see, the damage isn’t just on the surface. Halitosis can affect your body and mind in deep ways, even though the problem itself (i.e., bad breath) sounds trivial. It’s important to treat the condition quickly, to nip these problems in the bud.

Ways to treat halitosis

Fortunately for you, bad breath is fairly easy to treat. Here are some of the most effective ways to treat it at home:

  1. Nature Queen’s Herbal Throat Guardian

Our product is easy to use, and you can carry it with you and use it as a mouth freshener when necessary – for example, if you’re going for an interview, or meeting a date. It can also be used as a cure for bad breath – just spritz it a couple times into your mouth, and the herbal ingredients will work their magic. 

  1. Antiseptic mouthwash

Mention the problem to your dentist when you go in for a check-up, and they’ll be able to recommend a mouthwash that will do the trick. You can also get one from the drug store. Use it daily (unless otherwise stated) till the problem goes away. Make sure you use the product correctly – don’t rinse your mouth with water after using the mouthwash, and avoid drinking or eating anything for 10 minutes.

  1. Tea tree oil

Oil swilling is a practice that’s commonly used to clean the mouth. You can do something similar with tea tree oil to treat halitosis. First, mix a drop of tea tree oil with vegetable oil, and then mix this with a cup full of warm water. Now, swish this solution in your mouth (without swallowing!) till you use the entire cupful. Repeat for a few days.

  1. Green tea

Green tea is abundant in antioxidants, and it fights the bacteria that cause halitosis. It also helps treat a range of other ailments – it prevents cardiovascular disease, lowers blood cholesterol, prevents diabetes, and improves brain function. You can find various green teas online at affordable prices. Drink it once a day (or as instructed) and the problem will soon disappear. 

If you’ve tried these and still have bad breath, it may be time to go to your dentist. Most of the time, halitosis can be treated by a suitable mouthwash, but if the underlying problem is something more serious (or something your GP needs to look into), they’ll let you know.

How to prevent halitosis

Prevention is better than cure. Below are some healthy habits that’ll make sure your mouth stays odor-free and healthy, so you never have to deal with the embarrassment of having bad breath. Let’s start with the most obvious one, which is:

  1. Keep your mouth clean

The first, most important thing you can do to prevent bad breath (and really, oral problems in general) is maintaining good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth regularly, scrape your tongue, floss, and use a mouthwash. It seems like a lot to do and it does take a bit of time, admittedly, but once you develop the habit you hardly notice it anymore. In fact, it can become a part of your morning and bedtime rituals, and help you feel better.

  1. Drink plenty of water

Staying hydrated is important for a number of reasons. It keeps your mouth moist, and it keeps disease-causing bacteria from sticking to your teeth. If you have mild halitosis and are trying out home treatments, you can also try chewing gum that has xylitol in it. It’s an ingredient often found in antiseptic mouthwashes, and in sugar-free gum, it’ll help your mouth produce more saliva and wash down any food particles.

  1. Visit your dentist regularly

It isn’t pleasant, we know, but it’s important. That scary drill and the unpleasantness of having to keep your mouth open for long periods may be what saves you from expensive dental treatments- and problems such as halitosis. 

  1. Stop smoking

Smokers often have a smelly mouth – even if they personally don’t think so. If you needed another reason to give up smoking, here you go! Other tobacco products (such as chewing tobacco) aren’t much better either. The goal is to not just to give your mouth and lungs a break, but to drop an unhealthy habit that has long-term negative effects.

  1. Avoid consuming unhealthy food

Certain foods are known to be bad for your oral health – with junk food and soda topping the list. However, there are many other items that can cause your teeth to deteriorate. So, keep tabs on what you eat, and try to avoid foods that you know will have a negative impact on your oral (or general) health. The various systems in the body are linked together, so something that harms one system is likely to harm other systems as well.

The Nature Queen Herbal Throat Guardian

If you suffer from halitosis, our Herbal Throat Guardian is the perfect product for you. Not only will it cure the issue, but it’ll also keep your throat moist, fresh and disease-free. And since it’s by Nature Queen, you know it’s 100% natural, with soothing herbal extracts. Let’s go over some of the key ingredients:

Mel – A pure form of honey often used to treat allergies and other ailments, mel is an important component of our blend. Mel keeps your throat and lungs moist, so you don’t suffer from a dry, scratchy throat. If you often have dry cough, you’ll find this blend incredibly soothing.

Glycerin – Glycerin and water (another ingredient) combine the ingredients together, and also help keep your throat moist. A dry throat is not just uncomfortable – it may cause you to have a sore throat, a hoarse voice, difficulty swallowing, and other problems.

Castor Oil – It has various anti-bacterial properties that help your body, and the oil helps neutralize some types of bacteria that reside in your mouth and cause malodors. 

Menthol – This ingredient is well-known and often used for its refreshing, clean taste. It’ll make your mouth feel nice and fresh and serve as a quick fix for bad odors – although menthol itself isn’t a cure for halitosis.

Turmeric extract – The tuberous root of the turmeric plant is loaded with antioxidants that help your body combat illnesses. Turmeric tea is often recommended for people who have a sore throat, but the root can also be consumed grated or powdered. It’s an excellent immunity booster!

Camphor – It helps treat colds, cough and throat congestion. Our blend will be your helpful companion during the winter months, when colds and coughs are frequent. Camphor has a pleasant fragrance, which’ll leave your mouth smelling pleasant after a spray.

Vitamin E – The vitamin encourages the production of healthy cells and aids in the healing process, so it acts as an all-purpose treatment for oral problems. It has been found to be effective at treating halitosis.

These wonderful, healthy ingredients combine to form a product that’ll keep your throat and mouth happy. Given the current conditions, keeping your throat and air passage are highly important, because getting sick could quickly turn into something much worse.

Hopefully this guide on halitosis was helpful to understand its meaning, effects, treatment, and prevention. You can learn more about our company on the website, and on our FAQs page. You can also take our hair routine quiz, and read reviews by some of our customers. And don’t forget to pick up your bottle of Nature Queen’s Herbal Throat Guardian!